Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You have an appointment

The King is desiring an appointment with you. Will you keep it? He has asked personally that you come into His presence and sit, He wants to serve you. He wants to hear your inner most thoughts. His desire is to untangle the knots of confusion and allow you time to see, really see through the haze and into the Light. He is offering you this because He loves you and wants you to experience His great love and freedom. Will you keep the appointment? Just arrive and sit and let Him do everything else. He will guide you through healing and restoration. It is what He does. Don't wait, don't miss this great opportunity to leave the weight at the throne and walk away without it. He knows what to do with it. Trust Him. In Jesus Name I ask for every person reading this that they experience a level of peace and freedom with You Jesus that they have Never had in this world. Comfort and encourage their hearts today my Lord and King. It is in the Holy name of Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN

Monday, March 30, 2009

You are not alone

Today the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to know that if you were here on earth alone joyous or confused, He would have stepped out of heaven for you and only you. You need to know what He wants with you is a personal relationship. So believe if you will, that this great God, the God who created all you see and more that you can't has stepped out of heaven to rescue you from yourself and offered you life in Him through the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. Accept the Truth of the Bible and receive the hope He offers. His promises are for now and eternity. You are not alone, you are loved with an awe inspiring love that to mere earthlings can't comprehend. Just receive it. Walk by Faith, talk to Him by Faith, believe Him by Faith. Today take one moment out of your very hurried life and feel Your heavenly Father touch your face and race your glance up toward Him and hear Him say to you, you are so beautiful to Me and I accept you just as you are, bring it all to Me and trust Me. You are My highest treasure.   Today no matter what you have done or thought, you are precious to our Holy God. You have been kissed by God, Amen